Making It Happen
The following sample case studies illustrate the journey of implementation of a more CGA based, proactive, personalised care of the elderly in a GP practice.
The 3 case studies are composites of real GP practice experiences and illustrate the :
Mary O'Connell, a 72 years old widow living alone at home, attended her GP, Dr Murphy, complaining of a sore throat and slight fever.
Standard examination led to the diagnosis and management of the presenting uncomplicated URTI.
In the course of this routine examination, Dr Murphy noticed recent bruises on Mary's right shoulder, elbow and ribcage in the mid axillary line.
Mary stated that she had sustained the bruising in a fall 4 days earlier in her kitchen, but was unable to describe exactly how and why she fell, stating simply "I have been feeling tired lately and must have tripped over my own feet".
Having noticed that Mary's walk from the waiting room to the consulting room had seemed cautious and slow, Dr Murphy examined the ribcage, shoulder and knee, and performed the Frailty Phenotype test.
Note : Another quick Frailty screening tests which Dr Murphy could have used is the Get Up and Go (GUG) test.
Other frailty assessment tests include the Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale, Gait Speed test and PRISMA-7,
Dr. Murphy reassured Mary that no serious damage appeared to have been caused by the fall, and explained that the GUG test raised the suspicion that Mary was at risk of further falls.
Dr Murphy briefly outlined the importance of investigating falls and screening for osteoporosis.
He requested Mary see the practice nurse Cathy :
Three days later for Frailty screening and Frax scoring
One week later (when recovered from URTI) for ECG and Blood screen
Ultimately, the key to introducing and developing a viable system for the CGA based personalised preventative primary care of the eldely is, as always, to first of all delegate tasks
to properly trained and equipped nursing staff,
leaving the GP free to concentrate on clinical examinations and decision-making,
and gradually expanding the supporting team according to locally available resources,
while always retaining the GP as leader and
in a continuous cycle of high quality care
which becomes increasingly more sophisticated as the system is streamlined, refined and expanded in keeping with the individual practice's resources and local support system
Visit 1 (nurse)
Nurse Cathy performed the following functions :
Frailty screening
Result : Frax = Low bone mass, leading to request for Dexa *
Visit 2 (nurse)
Nurse Cathy performed the following functions :
Blood screen
glu + HbA1c
Renal screen with eGFR
Bone screen with Ca+ uncuffed and Vitamin D
Coeliac screen with Bence Jones protein and Mg+
Nurse Cathy ended this initial 30 minute appointment with a few words of encouragement about the reversibility of many aspects of Frailty and the possibility of improvement in quality of life.
She handed Mary a copy of one of the 2 booklets in stock which outline this : Young at Heart and Healthy Ageing
Dr. office review of results of :
Frailty screen
Mary scored 9 on the Edmonton scale = mildly frail
Mary scored 15 = Low bone mass
low vit D,
all other results in normal range
This led Dr Murphy to request
Appointment scheduled with nurse Cathy on receipt of Dexa scan results, for QFracture scoring
Followed by same day review appointment with Dr Murphy
The 2017/18 NHS General Practice Contract
sets out the requirements in England for frailty as follows:
About the NHS General Practice Requirements for Frailty
Use of an application tool such as the Electronic Frailty Index
to identify Frailty in population aged 65 and over
Annual meds review for those registered as living with severe frailty
Promotion of Summary Care Record
Visit 3 (nurse)
Nurse Cathy performed the following functions :
Nurse Cathy handed Mary a copy of the 2 booklets with information about VitD and Calcium Food List
and briefly outlined their content.
Visit 3 (Dr review) *
Edmonton Frailty scale
score disclosed and briefly discussed
Mary placed on practice Frailty register
FRAX, Dexa Scan and QFracture
results disclosed and briefly discussed
FRAX = low bone mass range
Dexa score -2,1 = Osteopenia
QFracture : 10 year Hip, wrist, shoulder or spine fracture risk = 26%
10 year Hip fracture risk = 22%
Physical examination undertaken : Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Sensation, Feet, Visual, BP sitting and standing
Mary placed on practice Bone Health register
Mary referred to Physiotherapist for weight bearing excercise program
Mary referred to Optometrist for formal assessment
Mary referred to Chiropodist
ECG result
reassured ECG normal
Lab results
reassured all results normal except low vit D
Mary placed on practice VitD register
Mary informed that her medical records in the practice will be switched to AGEDAT-G1 format for better proactive, personalised care and monitoring, and that she will be requested to attend soon for an extended visit for Nurse Cathy to collect baseline AGEDAT-G1 data
Admin. requested to switch Electronic Medical Record to AGEDAT-G1
Note : because Dr Murphy's EMR system does not allow for free customisaton of the medical record format, switching a patient record to a POMR format such as AGEDAT-1 entails inserting a link into the patient record to a copy of the AGEDAT-G1 Word document file which is manually updated and saved at each consultation.
Note : Switching to the AGEDAT-G1 record is not mandatory.
GPs have the option of continuing with their current EMR system for the recording of consultations and data arising, no matter how simple or sophisticated their protocols are for the provision of elderly care.
About EMR systems
in care of the elderly
Visit 4 (nurse)
Nurse Cathy - AGEDAT-G1 baseline data collection
Complete al sections except 4-Psychological, 6-Advance Care Planning, and 7-Problem list (to be completed by Dr)
Visit 4 (Dr review)
Review AGEDAT : sections completed by nurse Cathy
On review of section 5-Social and Environmental Dr Murphy noticed concerns arising re home safety : "I love my 3 cats but they are always under my feet" and "It is getting more and more difficult to get up the stairs at my back-door" and "It is bothersome to have to go downstairs at night to go to the toilet")
Dr Murphy requested OH home visit for Environmental Assessment
Review AGEDAT : Dr Murphy completed sections
4-Psychological - no immediate need for mental state evaluation
6-Advance Care Planning - no concerns about capacity
7-Problem List - entries made for Frailty, Osteomalacia and Low VitD
Dr Muphy performed a Medication Review
Stopped : regular codeine containing analgesic
Started : daily VitD supplement
Mary's will be recalled to the practice for monitoring of her health :
As per AGEDAT-G1
Base data review (including : Functional, Psychological, Social and Environmental)
Influenza and Pneumonia vaccination when due
Laboratory screen
Every 4 months
medication review
Check : Appetite, Swallow, Elimination bowel, Elimination bladder.
Plus as per personalised changes to the above monitoring care plan
as may be requested by Dr. Murphy
or required by the registers where Mary has been listed
Frailty register
Bone Health register
Vitamin D register
Mary was very happy with the care she received from Dr. Murphy and singing Dr's praises to her family and friends
As a result, Mary's 2 adult children and their family (4 adults and 3 children) transferred to Dr. Murphy's practice
and 5 other elderly patients (2 couples and one widower), all friends of Mary, also transferred to Dr. Murphy's practice
Mary attended the surgery 4 times, after the initial trigger consultation
seeing the nurse 3 times for various tests and once for the completion of the AGEDAT-G1 record
and seeing the Dr. twice, on both occasions immediately after one of the nurse appointments
The duration of all visits was within the practice's customary time frame.
Extremely satisfied patient
Enrolment of 12 new patients to the practice (9 adults and 3 children)
Fees levied for service
In this case scenario, in both the UK and ROI, the 2 GP consultations would not be remunerated over and above the annual capitation rate received for elderly patients entitled to free healthcare.
The practice would bear the cost of the 4 nurse visits.
In the ROI, fees could be levied for the ECG and optional fees for the phlebotomy. Not so in the UK.
There is no extra remuneration in either country for any of the 4 tests administered in the evaluation of Frailty and Bone Health.
There is no remuneration in the ROI for placing patients on chronic disease registers. The Frailty, Vit D, and Bone Health registers are not part of the recognised QOF remunerable registers in the UK, so placing Mary on those 3 registers, while vital to her ongoing care, would also be unremunerated.
Is the identification, investigation and ongoing care of the frail elderly and elderly with a fall risk reasonably funded, directly financially viable and directly sustainable for the GP in the UK and ROI? No, definetely not. The inherent,very real and tangible benefits are indirect.
Dr. Murphy's practice was able to provide the care of the patient described above because it provided the following :
Practice registers
Frailty register
Bone Health register
VitD register
Nurse Protocols
Nurse(s) trained and furnished with equipment and literature for the performance of the following functions :
Frailty screen : Edmonton scale
Clock test
TUG test
AGEDAT-G1 : gathering baseline info.
FRAX scoring : online
QFracture scoring -:online
Multi Disciplinary Teamwork and liason with local service providers
OH nurse : domiciliary visit for environmental assessment
Physio : personalised excercise plan and postural muscles strengthening
Optometrist : formal assessment
Chiropodist : assessment and care
AGEDAT-G1 medical record linked to the practice Electronic Medical Record system (optional).
All resources may be accessed directly in the Resources Index
For more information, follow the path to the following appropriate CGA Toolkit Plus pages :
Frailty Phenotype test
Homepage - Falls - Frailty Phenotype
Get Up and Go Test (GUG)
Other screening tests for Frailty
Homepage - Frailty - Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale
Edmonton scale
Homepage - Frailty - Edmonton Frail scale
- Read More about Frailty Index - Edmonton Frail Scale App.
Clock Test
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Physical Examination - Clock test
Timed Up and Go test (TUG)
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Physical Examination - TUG
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Bone Health Assessment - FRAX
Young at Heart (Handout)
Homepage - Frailty - Young at Heart
Healthy Ageing (Handout)
Homepage - Frailty - Healthy Ageing
Dexa scan
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Bone Health Assessment -
Read More about Bone Health Assessment - Read More about FRAX - 3. When to Order a Dexa scan
QFracture score
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Bone Health Assessment - QFracture
Vitamin D (handout)
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Bone Health Assessment -
Calcium (handout)
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Bone Health Assessment -
Physical examination
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medical Assessment - Physical Examination -
Read More - Musculoskeletal, Neurological, Sensation, Feet, Visual, BP sitting and standing
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - AGEDAT-G1
Environmental Assessment
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Environmental Assessment
Medication Review
Homepage - Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment - Medication Review
This case study and these resouces pertain to
the Early stage of implementation
of a CGA based proactive personalised care system for the elderly
Go To : Development of a more substantial system
Go To : Advanced implementation