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Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly


Brief Screening Test for Gambling

Purpose : Brief 4 question screen for problem and pathological gambling


Admin time : 1-3 min

User Friendly :  High

Administered by : GP or nurse 


Content : 4 Questions pertaining to gambling

Preoccupation, Escape, Risked Relationships, and Chasing

Author : Toce-Gerstein M, Gerstein DR, Volberg RE (2009)


Copyright : Public domain. Free to use.

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  • Short and easy to use

  • Based on DSM-IV criteria)

  • Identifies 99% of all problem gamblers and 100% of all pathological gamblers as assessed by the full NODS (Volberg et al, 2011)



The NODS-PERC identifies lifetime PG (Problem Gamblers).

Using a lifetime context for symptom clustering yields more endorsed problems than past-year time frames for symptom identification.

Gambling related problems evidence considerable waxing and waning from year to year. As a result, the NODS-CliP might not reflect current problems that often associate with treatment seeking.


Note : The BBGS screen identifies past-year PG.(current problem identification)


Accuracy : 

Sensitivity 99,7% and Specificity 87,4%   (Toce-Gerstein M et al, 2009)

Positive Predictive Value 88,5% and Negative Predictive Value 96,3%   (Volberg et al, 2011)


This Tool is used in the assessment of Gambling in Late life

Back To : Gambling in Late Life

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