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Resources for the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment based
Proactive and Personalised Primary Care of the Elderly

Pressure Ulcers



  • Allman RM, 1997

Allman RM. Pressure ulcer prevalence, incidence, risk factors, and impact. Clin Geriatr Med 1997; 13:421–37.



  • Bergstrom N, 1994

Bergstrom N, Bennett MA, Carlson CE. Clinical practice guideline number 15: treatment of pressure ulcers. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR), US Department of Health and Human Services, 1994. AHCPR publication 95–0652.



  • Bouza C, 2005

Bouza C, Saz Z, Muñoz A, Amate JM. Efficacy of advanced dressings in the treatment of pressure ulcers: a systematic review. J Wound Care. 2005;14(5):193-199



  • Darouiche RO, 1994

Darouiche RO, Landon GC, Klima M, Musher DM, Markowski J. Osteomyelitis associated with pressure sores. Arch Intern Med 1994; 154:753–8.



  • Galpin JE, 1976

Galpin JE, Chow AW, Bayer AS, Guze LB. Sepsis associated with decubitus ulcers. Am J Med 1976; 61:346–50.



  • Goode PS, 1997

Goode PS, Thomas DR. Pressure ulcers: local wound care. Clin Geriatr Med 1997; 13:543–52.



  • Herman LE, 1989

Herman LE, Rothman KF. Prevention, care and treatment of pressure (decubitus) ulcers in intensive care unit patients. J Intensive Care Med 1989; 4:117–23.



  • Hess CT, 2002

Hess CT. Wound Care. 4th ed. Springhouse, Penn.: Springhouse; 2002.


  • Kerstein MD, 2001

Kerstein MD, Gemmen E, van Rijswijk L, et al. Cost and cost effective­ness of venous and pressure ulcer protocols of care. Dis Manage Health Outcomes. 2001;9(11):651-663.



  • Lewis VL, 1988

Lewis VL Jr, Bailey MH, Pulawski G, Kind G, Bashioum RW, Henfrix RW. The diagnosis of osteomyelitis in patients with pressure sores. Plastic Reconstr Surg 1988; 81:229–32.



  • Moody BL, 1988

Moody BL, Fanale JE, Thompson M, Vaillancourt D, Symonds G, Bonasoro C. Impact of staff education pressure sore development in elderly hospitalized patients. Arch Intern Med 1988; 148:2241–3.



  • Nicolle LE, 1994

Nicolle LE, Orr P, Duckworth H, et al. Prospective study of decubitus ulcers in two long term care facilities. Can J Infect Control 1994; 9: 35–8.



  • NPUAP, 1989

Pressure ulcers prevalence, cost, risk assessment: consensus develop­ment conference statement. The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. Decubitus 1989; 2:24–8.



  • Parish LC, 1989

Parish LC, Witkowski JA. The infected decubitus ulcer. Int J Dermatol 1989; 28:643–7.


  • Perneger TV, 1998

Perneger TV, Gaspoz JM, Rae AC, Borst F, Heliot C. Contribution of individual items to the performance of the Norton pressure ulcer pre­diction scale. J Am Geriatr Soc 1998;46:1282–6.



  • Püllen R, 2002

Püllen R, Popp R, Volkers P, Füsgen I. Prospective randomized double-blind study of the wound-debriding effects of collagenase and fibrinolysin/ deoxyribonuclease in pressure ulcers. Age Ageing. 2002;31(2):126-130.



  • RNAO, 2007

Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario. Assessment and management of stage I to IV pressure ulcers. 2007.



  • Rudensky B, 1992

Rudensky B, Lipschits M, Isaacsohn M, Sonnenblick M. Infected pres­sure sores: comparison of methods for bacterial identification. South Med J 1992; 85:901–3.



  • Stotts NA , 2001

Stotts NA, Rodeheaver GT, Thomas DR, Frantz RA, Bartolucci AA, Sussman C, Ferrell BA, Cuddigan J, Maklebust J. An instrument to measure healing in pressure ulcers: development and validation of the pressure ulcer scale for healing (PUSH). J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 Dec;56(12):M795-9.Stotts N A et al, 2001


  • Thomas DR, 1997

Thomas DR. The role of nutrition in prevention and healing of pressure ulcers. Clin Geriatr Med 1997; 13:497–511.



  • Whitney J, 2006

Whitney J, Phillips L, Aslam R, et al. Guidelines for the treatment of pres­sure ulcers. Wound Repair Regen. 2006;14(6):663-679.



  • Woolsey RM, 1991

Woolsey RM, McGarry JD. The cause, prevention, and treatment of pressure sores. Neurol Clin 1991; 9:797–808.



  • Xakellis GC, 1996

Xakellis GC, Frantz R. The cost of healing pressure ulcers across mul­tiple health care settings. Adv Wound Care 1996; 9:18–22.


Geriatric Syndromes

Pressure Ulcers is one of 4 conditions identified as Geriatric Syndromes

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